The OZWorks Group Blog


Top 5 Solutions: Unleashing the Full Potential of Opportunity Zones

Solutions for Overcoming Challenges and Driving Community Impact

This blog explores solutions for overcoming the challenges facing the Opportunity Zone program and maximizing its potential to drive investment into low-income communities, spur economic development, and ensure community impact through private sector involvement, investment alignment, and balancing financial returns with community benefits.

Overview of this Article

The Opportunity Zone program, created as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, is designed to drive investment into low-income communities and spur economic development. However, despite its promise, there are challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure that Opportunity Zone investments are delivering the desired outcomes for these communities. In this blog post, we explore five of the biggest challenges facing the Opportunity Zone incentive and provide solutions and ideas for how they can be overcome. By addressing these challenges, we can ensure that Opportunity Zone investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are serving and contributing to the economic revitalization of these areas. With the private sector playing a critical role in driving this change, this blog post provides valuable insights for anyone looking to make the most of this unique investment opportunity.

The Top 5 Reasons the Spirit of the Opportunity Zone Incentive is Not Being Fulfilled

1Limited investment in low-income communities: According to a report by the Urban Institute, only a small percentage of Opportunity Zone investments have been directed towards low-income communities, despite the incentive’s intention of promoting economic development in these areas. This suggests that the incentive is not fulfilling its purpose of targeting investment to areas that need it most.

2Inadequate infrastructure: Another reason why the spirit of the Opportunity Zone incentive may not be fulfilled is due to a lack of infrastructure in many of these designated zones. According to a report by the National Council of State Housing Agencies, inadequate infrastructure can deter investment and limit the ability of these communities to fully realize the benefits of the incentive.

3Lack of local involvement: A report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition highlights the importance of local involvement in Opportunity Zone investments, yet many of these projects are being driven by outside investors with little or no local input. This can lead to investments that are not aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are intended to serve, which can undermine the effectiveness of the incentive.

4Limited transparency and accountability: There is a lack of transparency and accountability in the Opportunity Zone program, making it difficult to track the impact of investments and determine if the incentive is fulfilling its purpose. According to a report by the Government Accountability Office, a lack of data and reporting requirements makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the program and ensure that it is delivering the desired outcomes.

5Prioritizing financial returns over community benefits: The Opportunity Zone incentive is intended to promote economic development and job creation, but some investors may be more focused on financial returns than on delivering benefits to the communities they are investing in. A report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition found that some Opportunity Zone investments are being used to finance luxury real estate developments, rather than affordable housing and community facilities, which undermines the purpose of the incentive.

How Can these 5 Challenges Be Solved?

1Encouraging investment in low-income communities: To address the challenge of limited investment in low-income communities, policymakers can explore ways to incentivize investment in these areas, such as through tax credits, grants, and other forms of financial support. They can also implement measures to increase transparency and accountability in Opportunity Zone investments, such as tracking the impact of investments on employment, income, and housing affordability.

2Improving infrastructure: Improving infrastructure in Opportunity Zones can make these areas more attractive to investors and help to ensure that these communities are able to fully benefit from new investments. This could involve providing funding for infrastructure projects, such as upgrading water and sewage systems, or supporting the development of transportation and communications networks.

3Promoting local involvement: To ensure that Opportunity Zone investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are intended to serve, policymakers can promote local involvement in these projects. This could involve providing training and resources to local organizations and individuals to help them participate in the investment process, or creating partnerships between local stakeholders and outside investors.

4Enhancing transparency and accountability: Enhancing transparency and accountability in the Opportunity Zone program can help to ensure that these investments are delivering the desired outcomes. This could involve collecting and publicly reporting data on Opportunity Zone investments, such as the number of jobs created and the impact on housing affordability, as well as conducting regular evaluations of the program to assess its effectiveness.

5Balancing financial returns with community benefits: To ensure that Opportunity Zone investments are delivering benefits to the communities they are intended to serve, policymakers can balance the focus on financial returns with the need to prioritize community benefits. This could involve implementing regulations or guidelines that ensure that these investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are serving, or providing incentives for investors to prioritize community benefits in their investments.

Addressing these challenges will require a multi-faceted approach that involves policymakers, investors, and local communities working together to ensure that Opportunity Zone investments are delivering the desired outcomes. This could involve a combination of financial incentives, regulatory changes, and community engagement strategies to ensure that these investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are serving.

What are the Top 3 Things the Private Sector Can Do to Be Supportive of the 5 Solutions Listed Above?

1Direct investment towards low-income communities: The private sector can support the solution of encouraging investment in low-income communities by directing their Opportunity Zone investments towards these areas. This could involve investing in local businesses, supporting the development of affordable housing, or financing infrastructure projects that will benefit these communities.

2Partner with local organizations: The private sector can also support the solution of promoting local involvement by partnering with local organizations to ensure that their investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are serving. This could involve consulting with local organizations on investment decisions, working with them to implement projects, or supporting their efforts to participate in the investment process.

3Emphasize community benefits in investment decisions: To support the solution of balancing financial returns with community benefits, the private sector can prioritize community benefits in their investment decisions. This could involve implementing social impact assessments to evaluate the impact of their investments on local communities, or allocating a portion of their Opportunity Zone investments towards affordable housing, community facilities, or other projects that will benefit these communities.

In summary, the private sector can play a critical role in ensuring that Opportunity Zone investments are delivering the desired outcomes by directing their investments towards low-income communities, partnering with local organizations, and emphasizing community benefits in their investment decisions. By taking these steps, they can help to ensure that these investments are aligned with the needs and priorities of the communities they are serving and contributing to the economic development and revitalization of these areas.

Next Steps to Take

If you are an Opportunity Zone stakeholder looking for a way to connect with others and drive positive change, then the OZworks Group is the solution for you. As an online community of Opportunity Zone stakeholders from all over the country, we bring together all OZ-related parties to learn, connect, and educate one another in order to encourage deal flow and drive success. With our free access via freemium membership, you can quickly access the most critical Opportunity Zone content in one place, without having to search multiple sources. Sign up for your free membership today and join the OZworks Group community, where together we can unlock the full potential of Opportunity Zones and drive positive change in low-income communities.


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